Complete Sexuality Education (CSE)
Complete Sexuality Education (CSE) is the world’s greatest attack on the minds and wellbeing of our children today. This is on the grounds that it is not at all like the well-known sex-ed training. While sex-ed deals with the traditional views on sex and sex education, Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) is extremely direct and advances dangerous sexual behaviours, advances highly unsafe sexual practices to youngsters as acceptable and typical. Sex education or sex-ed is one that can be easily taught by parents to children, which is what we advise, comprehensive sexuality education embraces many views and opinions which many parents will dare not teach to their children.
CSE projects and agenda uses a practical, over the top approach to show children of all ages how to get sexual delight and pleasure in different ways, condemning anything that restricts them from doing so. Incidentally, this same education is selective as it completely neglects educating the children on the numerous physical, mental, social, emotional and even spiritual dangers of indiscriminate sexual practices.
A definitive objective of CSE is to change the acceptable and traditional sex standards of the society. As a result, it will be right to also call the Comprehensive Sexuality Education an ‘Education for the rights of the LGBT’. This is why it gets its greatest funding from liberal movements, political parties and governments whose sole focus and agenda are similar to that of the CSE.
Complete sexuality training is generally masked with harmless sounding names such as education for human rights, training for sex fairness, etc. CSE is taught to children in most public schools at all ages, without the permission or assent of parents.
Since more and more parents are becoming more aware of the evil behind the Sexuality education of children in schools, many parents are beginning to SAY NO TO SEXUALISATION AND SODOMISATION OF CHILDREN (SAY NO TO SSC), the promoters of the CSE have become sneakier, trickier and more devious. This complete sodomisation of children in schools is now called more acceptable names such as ‘abstinence plus’ in public schools. With the change in names, the evil has only changed mask, it has not changed itself.
It has therefore become a must that parents should understand the content of each course that their children take in schools. Be aware of what is being taught your children and who the teachers are. This is only basic parenting.
The CSE in actuality teaches nothing about abstinence, rather it teaches your children to fully express their sexual desires. It teaches your children that it is okay to assign gender to themselves. It teaches your children to identify their own pleasurable parts and explore it. Where is the restriction in that type of education?
Governments of countries, schools and school administrators are constantly pressured to submit to the agenda of the Sexuality education. The schools are told that the Curriculum for the Sexualisation of children are only schemes to embrace extensive sexuality training and that it is harmless. The realistic natures and effects of the programs on the minds of children are neglected.
Truth be told, in a few cases, UN ministers have been controlled into giving discourses on the UN floor advancing CSE as the answer for some world issues, without acknowledging what they are advancing. CSE discourses are disguised as solutions to world problems, while carefully hiding the agenda behind the programs.
CSE advances radical sexual philosophies and practices that contends with the religious and social orientations of many people.
The National Coalition to Support Sexuality Education (NCSSE) lists the following organizations as supporters of Comprehensive Sexuality Education:
Advocates for Youth
AIDS Action Council
AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth and Families
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association for Health Education
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences
American Association of School Administrators
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists
American Association of University Women
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
American Civil Liberties Union Reproductive Freedom Project
American College Health Association
American College of Nurses-Midwives
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
American College of Sexologists
American Counseling Association
American Federation of Teachers
American Jewish Congress
American Library Association
American Medical Association
American Medical Student’s Association
American Medical Women’s Association
American Nurses Association
American Orthopsychiatric Association
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
American Public Health Association
American School Health Association
American Social Health Association
Answer, Rutgers University
Association for Sexuality Education and Training
Association of Reproductive Health Professionals
Association of State and Territorial Directors of Public Health Education
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
ASTRAEA National Lesbian Action Foundation
Balm in Gilead
Bay Area Communities for Health Education
Blacks Educating Blacks About Sexual Health Issues
Boston Women’s Health Book Collective
Bridge for Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting and Sexuality
Campaign for Access and Reproductive Equity
Catholics for Choice
Center for Law and Social Policy
Center for Policy Alternatives
Center for Reproductive Health Policy Research
Center for Reproductive Rights
Center for Sexuality and Religion
Center for Women Policy Studies
Child Welfare League of America
Children’s Defense Fund
Choice USA
Coalition on Sexuality and Disability, Inc.
Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project (CHAMP)
Education Development Center, Inc.
Equal Partners in Faith
ETR Associates
Exodus Trust Archives of Erotology
Family Violence Prevention Fund
Federation of Behavioral Psychological and Cognitive Sciences
Feminist Majority Foundation
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
Gay Men’s Health Crisis
Gender Public Advocacy Coalition
Girls Incorporated
Guttmacher Institute
Healthy Teen Network
Hetrick-Martin Institute
Human Rights Campaign
The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality Alumni Association
International Center for Research on Women
Jewish Women International
The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc.
The Latina Roundtable on Health & Reproductive Rights
The Mautner Project
Ms. Foundation
National Abortion Federation
NARAL Pro-Choice America
National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
National Asian Women’s Health Organization
National Assembly on School-Based Health Care
National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
National Association of Counties
National Association of County and City Health Officials
National Association of People with AIDS
National Association of School Psychologists
National Black Women’s Health Project
National Center for Health Education
National Coalition of Abortion Providers
National Coalition Against Censorship
National Coalition of Advocates for Students
National Coalition for LGBT Health
National Coalition of STD Directors
National Committee for Public Education and Religious Liberty
National Council of La Raza
National Council of Jewish Women
National Council of Negro Women
National Council of State Consultants for School Social Work Services
National Council of Churches of Christ, Committee on Family Ministries and Human Sexuality
National Council on Family Relations
National Dissemination Center for Children & Youth with Disabilities
National Education Association, Health Information Network
National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
National Institute for Reproductive Health
National Latina Health Organization
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
National Lesbian and Gay Health Association
National Medical Association
National Mental Health Association
National Minority AIDS Council
National Native American AIDS Prevention Center
National Network for Youth
National Organization for Women
National Partnership for Women and Families
National Resource Center for Youth Services
National School Boards Association
National Sexuality Resource Center
National Urban League
National Women’s Health Network
National Women’s Law Center
National Youth Advocacy Coalition
Network for Family Life Education
New York State Department of Health: Bureau of STD Control
Office of Family Ministries & Human Sexuality, National Council of Churches
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
People For the American Way
Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Population Communications International
Population Connection
Presbyterians Affirming Reproductive Options
Pro-Choice Public Education Project
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Religious Institute for Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing
Secular Coalition for America
Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States
Shield Institute
Sierra Club
Society for Adolescent Medicine
Society for Public Health Education
Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
Unitarian Universalist Association
United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries
United States Conference of Mayors
United States Student Association
University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education
Women of Reform Judaism
Woodhull Freedom Foundation
YAI/National Institute for People with Disabilities
The Young Women’s Project
YWCA of the U.S.A.
Others include:
- S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC),
- International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF),
- Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS),
- World Health Organization (WHO),
- UNICEF, and
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
Many of these organisations are multi-million dollar companies and organisations who are constantly lobbying to get the Sexualisation and Sodomisation of children into schools and countries.
Recently, the governments of more than thirty countries in Africa rejected plans to enforce the sexualisation and sodomisation of children in schools while being threatened with cuts to their financial aid.
The time has come for us all to stand together to support or deter our governments from accepting programs that can endanger the future of our children.
Many governments gullibly accept these programs in exchange for money without fully understanding the rationale behind the set-up.
Promoters of exhaustive sexuality instruction projects guarantee that in addition to other things, CSE projects will diminish teenage pregnancies and STD contaminations and that they don’t sexualize and sodomize children. However, this is not true. Facts and statistics point to the contrary. Research and statistics prove that children who have been made to embrace the programs have sex at an earlier age than their peers, have higher risks of teenage pregnancies, have higher risks of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and in many cases have abortions.
The evil in the Sexualisation and Sodomisation of Children is extensive and inexhaustible.